COURSES aimed at STUDENTS HIGH SCHOOLS (courses in "theme")
Periods and duration of the courses will be agreed with the Applicants according to the chosen topic with the possibility of "cultural exchange"
N ° participants-Min. 15
For example:
High school students can specialize in agrarian studies: 1 week
Students would work together with Italian students from the Tuscany Agriculture Institute. Students would visit arboretums of the Forest Service, the Casentinesi forests, monasteries, and organic products as well as livestock production (Cows of the Valdichiana), the culture of olives and historic olive producing farms, wine production and visits to historic wineries of Tuscany. All natural and organic products will be sampled and studied including honey, cheeses, and vegetables.
Periodi e durata dei corsi vengono concordati con i Richiedenti secondo l’argomento scelto con possibilità di “ scambi culturali “
N° Partecipanti- Min. 15
HIGH SCHOOLS STRANIERE con specializzazione in Agraria: 1 settimana
Incontro con studenti italiani di Istituti Agrari toscani - Visita arboreti Guardie Forestali – Le Foreste casentinesi, i suoi monasteri, i loro prodotti biologici – Allevamento bovino ( Mucche della Valdichiana ) – Le coltura dell’Ulivo – Frantoi Storici – La coltura della vite – Antiche fattorie toscane: vino e Cantine Storiche – Prodotti naturali: miele, formaggi, insaccati, legumi.